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distortion / framing / device


iphone 1.jpg

my system of devices (ipad, iphone, tablet, mum's iphone)

animal.mineral.pixel works through ideas of the elecrtonic device as a frame that mediates physical and digital spaces. Inspired by Jean Baudrillard's philisophy of Simulacra and Simulation, the work explores the levels of distorion the device's create through feedback loops. The primary idea was to document the moment that I turn from a fleshy animal into an electric pulse on copper wires and then, finally, into a pixel

distortion video

surface + surface + surface + animal

process of distortion diagram

device 1
device 2

distortion video

zoom + zoom + surface + animal

process of distortion diagram

device 3

distortion video

zoom + zoom + zoom+ animal

process of distortion diagram

device 4

*turn down your volume before pressing play!

screen + screen + screen + screen + lonely animal + feedback interference

I wanted to explore the distortion beyond a screen by experimenting with wavelengths and satellite signals. To continue with the ideas of Simulation and Simulacra and creating 'a copy of a copy of a copy' I utelised a program for social connection, Houseparty to produce copies of myself

distortion video

process of distortion diagram

device 5

*turn down your volume before pressing play!

screen + screen + screen + screen +

infinite animal + feedback interference

distortion video

process of distortion diagram

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