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self isolate

performance / interiorzation / documentation

working again in a situationally responsive way, self isolate explores the ideas of interiorization when in self isolation by documenting the process of self isolation through performance and found objects.

isolation poster.jpg

storyboard of interiorization: exploring self isolation through the making of a homemade hazmat

re-animation / reduction

process reflection

the cut

cut process.jpg

I reflected on the processes I was undertaking for panic / response and self isolate. In both instances I had taken film footage, but consciously turned the moving image into stills, cutting excess, but removing liner time. I was relying on the viewer to fill in the spaces between key frames, their understanding of past events linking o future events and assuming what occurs in-between. This in-between is an immaterial, conceptual space that I wanted to explore in the next project.

process of re-animation and reduction utilised for digital consumption of work

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